Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The view from outside

Maybe irreverent is the best adjective. But, sabes que, once you live outside the States for a while and take Jimmy Buffet's advice to learn a word of Spanish or two, the map of the world changes. Fox News become irrelevant. The world is indeed round. And not centered in Washington nor New York.

For those of us ex-patriots who chose to live outside, I hope this blog can accomplish two goals: 1) provide a source of information for living better among our adopted compatriots, and 2) provide perspective on the important topics of the day that is otherwise unavailable to our brethern still inside through the traditional information feeds. Maybe a third: have fun doing it!



  1. I wish you have a lot of success with your new blog. Curiosly, one of my dreams is to live some time in a foreign land, which for me would be Europe,USA or Canada, because I'm Mexican. I've had some interest in the past to talk with people from outside of Mexico for know their way to think, but I've had bad experiences due to my language limitations. I ask myself if a person from México who lives in USA would have a similar experience that those you are having living in México? Congratulations for your blog gringo renegado! Note: Please, if you can, correct my wiritting style or orthography. Greetings!

  2. Hola Ruy! Bienvenido! Hey, your English is better than my Spanglish. Actually, here in Xalapa there is a good sized foreign community, with people from literally all over the world. Lots of opportunity to chat with people, in Spanish if you like, about the places they left behind. Artists, musicians, even engineers. And thanks for being the first follower of El Gringo Renegado!
